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DLF Code of Conduct

The Digital Library Federation (DLF) is committed to creating and supporting inclusive, diverse, and equitable communities of practice. We strive to be a welcoming organization and the focal point for a digital library culture that is anti-oppression, recognizes intersectionalities, and works compassionately across differences. Together, DLF members advance research, learning, social justice, and the public good through the creative design and wise application of digital library technologies. We know that the best problem-solving and critical thinking happens when people with a wide array of experiences and perspectives come together to work in comfort and safety as peers.

We therefore expect participants in the DLF community to help create thoughtful and respectful environments where that interaction can take place. 

The Code of Conduct applies to all meetings, events, working groups, and other activities organized through DLF, including those taking place in-person or online. 

attendees sitting by a window chatting during the 2016 DLF Forum reception

Reporting a Code of Conduct Violation

Report In-Person

On-site, CLIR/DLF staff can be identified by their name badges and white lanyards. Active bystanders or those experiencing harassment themselves may elect to have an in-person, confidential conversation with a staff member. Staff will then assist participants by taking incident reports, providing escorts as needed, or otherwise helping those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the event.

Report by Phone/Text or Email

You can contact DLF Forum staff and volunteers by phone or text at 732-RESPECT (732-737-7328) and by email at

Report Anonymously

You can report a Code of Conduct violation or concern anonymously on our website with our Code of Conduct reporting form.

During the in-person DLF Forum and affiliated events, in addition to reporting incidents in person, consult any additional resources and links provided by organizers.

Foreground: poster pad listing "issues in digital scholarship" with attendees standing in a circle talking in the background

Active Bystander Orientation

Have you ever witnessed bullying, harassment, or an uncomfortable encounter in a professional context and wished you knew how to intervene? It can be challenging to know what to say or do on the spot. The DLF Code of Conduct invites participants to be Active Bystanders, but what does that really mean?

In October 2019, DLF’s Committee on Equity and Inclusion held a live Active Bystander Orientation session over Zoom. The session was recorded and is now available for viewing. After an introduction to bystander intervention and an overview of strategies, they thought together about how to apply active bystander strategies to situations that might happen in professional or social contexts.

In 2020 and 2021, the CEI held discussions about active bystanders in virtual spaces. More information about those conversations can be found on the 2021 Forum website.