To cultivate creative training and professional development opportunities stemming from our past three successful DLF Forum pre-conferences, we are excited to host Learn@DLF on Sunday, October 9, 2022.
Learn@DLF is structured entirely as a day of workshops. Through engaging, hands-on sessions, attendees will gain experience with new tools and resources, exchange ideas, and develop and share expertise with fellow community members.

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Workshop Format
Learn@DLF workshops are in-depth, hands-on training sessions on specific tools, techniques, workflows, or concepts with clear learning outcomes. As is natural to a workshop format, Q&A and discussion will be incorporated throughout. Workshops are interactive and inclusive . Learn@DLF workshops are three hours long, composed of two 90-minute halves with a 15 minute break between.
Workshop Schedule and Descriptions
Here you’ll find full descriptions of each Learn@DLF workshop. All workshops take place Sunday, October 9, 2022.
9am-12:15pm: Welcome to Fedora 6.0: Features, Migrations & Integrations
Arran Griffith, LYRASIS
This workshop will provide an overview of the newly-released Fedora 6.0. We will test new features that returned Fedora to its digital preservation roots and showcase the migration tooling created thanks to an IMLS Grant. We will demonstrate how to integrate Fedora with your ecosystem via the Camel Toolbox.
Full Proposal:
This workshop will provide an overview of the newest version of Fedora, 6.0. We will explore the path to release, as well as highlight important new features that helped return Fedora to its digital preservation roots. We will work with the much-anticipated migration tooling and documentation as we work through a hands-on migration. Lastly we will test how to integrate Fedora with your ecosystem via the Camel Toolbox.
The workshop will include several hands-on portions that will allow attendees to exercise Fedora features, while learning about their purpose and function. These features are accessible via a built-in web interface, so no command line experience is required.
We propose to break the hands-on portion down in to the following segments for easier comprehension:
Section 1: Fedora 6 Technical Overview & Resources Management
- Participants will perform basic functions within Fedora
- Highlight and test new features of Fedora 6.0 and understanding how to work with resources within the Fedora platform.
Section 2: Migration
- Participants will engage in a migration of a small data set from Fedora 3.x to Fedora 6 using the migration tooling.
Section 3: Fedora and the Camel Toolbox
- Understanding the Camel Toolbox and demonstrating how to integrate Fedora with your ecosystem using it.
- Participants will participate in a hands-on component of setting up an integration
This is a technical workshop pitched at an introductory level so no prior Fedora experience is required. General knowledge of the role and functionalities of repositories would be beneficial.
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this workshop, attendees will be able to:
- Be familiar with core and extended Fedora features and its integration capabilities.
- Create and manage content in Fedora.
- Understand how to use the migration tooling to ensure a successful migration.
- Understand how Fedora supports digital preservation.
9am-12:15pm: Community building with the “Digital Literacy Against Digital Violence” handbook
Chelcie Juliet Rowell, Tufts University
Paige Walker, Tufts University
Adam Jazairi, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Brooke Gilmore, Mount Wachusett Community College
Lachrista Greco, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Meg McMahon, Harvard University
This workshop will introduce “Digital Literacy Against Digital Violence: A Handbook for Academic Library Workers.” After contextualizing our work within the IMLS-funded National Forum for the Prevention of Cyber Sexual Abuse, we will engage with the contents of the handbook and facilitate a sample workshop on digital violence prevention. Although this handbook focuses on developing community within an academic campus environment, much of the digital violence prevention content translates to non-academic libraries and museums as well.
Full Proposal:
This workshop introduces the primary findings of the IMLS-funded National Forum on the Prevention of Cyber Sexual Abuse and our team’s handbook for academic library workers, “Digital Literacy Against Digital Violence.”
After an overview of the National Forum event and Learning Cohort activities, we will contextualize digital violence prevention within library work, articulate ways in which library workers can build community against digital violence, and introduce resources and strategies for trauma-informed and survivor-centered event planning. This portion of the workshop will particularly draw upon the first two sections of the handbook, “What: Contextualizing digital violence prevention within library work” and “Who: Building community against digital violence.” We’ll collectively engage with two chapters, in particular. First, we’ll facilitate discussion around the chapter “Digital literacy, digital privacy, and digital violence prevention.” Then participants will map out their own potential partners in their campus community as guided by the “Finding partners” chapter.
The bulk of our time will focus on the third section of our handbook, “How: Planning a digital violence prevention event.” We will introduce and guide discussion around the chapter “Planning a trauma-informed event,” and model a workshop based on one of the lesson plans published in the handbook, with participants in the role of learners. After modeling this workshop, we will facilitate discussion, eliciting feedback and helping participants to plan for their role as facilitator. Our time together will conclude with an action-based activity that inspires and empowers participants to seed a plan for advocacy at their own organizations.
Learning Objectives:
Describe the roots of digital violence and its impact on campus communities. Identify community-building tactics that academic library workers can employ to prevent, reduce, and respond to digital violence. Draft an action plan to build consent-focused online culture at their own institutions.
9am-12:15pm: Creating Digital Editions with FairCopy
Nick Laiacona, Performant Software Solutions LLC
In this workshop, participants will learn how to use FairCopy to transform historical texts into online digital editions. Using crowdsourced transcriptions as a starting point, we will add semantic structure and mark names of people, places, and events. We will then publish our digital editions using Jekyll.
Full Proposal:
FairCopy is a new tool for creating digital scholarly editions that makes use of the Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange (or TEI). In this workshop, participants will learn how to use FairCopy to transform historical texts into online digital editions encoded using TEI. Using crowdsourced transcriptions as a starting point, we will add semantic structure and mark names of people, places, and events. We will then publish our digital editions using Jekyll.
In the first hour of the workshop, we will begin with a demonstration of FairCopy. We will then select texts to work on based on participants interests. Participants are encouraged to bring their own texts. Finally, we will break into small groups.
In the second hour, each group will work on encoding a text using FairCopy. Participants will work collaboratively to choose elements and attributes that best suit their selected texts. The presenter will float between groups answering questions.
In the third hour, we will export our texts into a pre-made Jekyll template that can display both the original IIIF page images and the TEI encoded texts.
Participants in this workshop will need to bring a Mac, Windows, or Linux laptop on which they can install FairCopy. No web design or XML skills are required.
FairCopy is commercial software, built for humanities professionals. Participants will not be required to provide identifying information. All participants will receive a license key good for a one year license to FairCopy, free of charge.
Learning Objectives:
Participants in this workshop will learn how to use FairCopy to create a digital edition. They will also learn about using TEI semantics to structure and mark texts. The will also gain familiarity with using IIIF Manifests to interoperate between library collections and digital editions.
9am-12:15pm: Photogrammetry 3D Modeling
Megan Hagseth
Learn how to use photogrammetry techniques to scan objects, buildings, and sites and make virtual 3D models with the free software Meshroom. Whether you have an expensive DSLR camera or just a smartphone, this technology is accessible and easy to learn. Use your finished models in AR or VR!
Full Proposal:
Photogrammetry is a technology that takes a collection of 2D images and generates a point cloud to make a digital 3D model. In this workshop, you will work collaboratively to progress through a complete workflow from image capture, to data processing in Meshroom, to uploading and using your finished model. Not only will you get to see and try out a traditional studio setup for photogrammetric image capture, but you will also create your own 3D model using a range of cost-effective options.No prior experience with photogrammetry or 3D modeling is required.
In addition to a studio photogrammetry setup, several small lightboxes will be provided for attendee use, and attendees will work in groups of 2-4.
Attendees will need to bring:
- Either a DLSR camera with an SD card OR a smartphone with a cable to connect it to your laptop (for transferring images).
- A small object to make a 3d model of (less than 10 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm), it is suggested for beginners that the object not have a highly reflective surface (such as glass). Unpolished stone, unglazed ceramics, and rigid toys without movable parts are excellent examples.
- A laptop running Windows or Linux: one with an NVIDIA CUDA-enabled GPU is recommended. The software will not run on MacOS. Minimum computing requirements are: Windows x64, Linux, recent Intel or AMD cpus, 8 GB RAM.
Please download the Meshroom software before the workshop: https://alicevision.org/#meshroom].
Accessibility notes: One extra DSLR camera and one extra laptop will be available for attendees who do not have them but wish to participate and are available on a first-come-first-serve basis. In addition, a digital folder of sample photos will be available for use by any attendees who cannot take photos during the workshop, and two camera tripods will be available for those with accessibility needs. Please do not hesitate to ask for accommodation, the majority of the equipment used can be quickly and easily modified.
Informational handouts and text descriptions of workflows will be available at the workshop and can be provided early upon request.
Learning Objectives:
Attendees will learn how to take photographs and process them in the Meshroom to produce their own digital 3D model by the end of this 3-hour workshop. Attendees will then take these models and implement them on an AR/VR platform such as Sketchfab or prepare models for 3D printing.
1:45pm-5pm: Personal Archiving and the Virtual Footlocker Project Curriculum
Edward Benoit, Louisiana State University
This workshop is designed to help cultural heritage workers with training active service members and veterans of the U.S. armed forces to collect, organize, store, and preserve their personal records through utilizing the Virtual Footlocker Project curriculum (VFP). The workshop will also discuss how to adapt the VFP curriculum to other audiences in the final module.
Full Proposal:
The Virtual Footlocker Project (VFP) assists contemporary veterans and active-duty military with the preservation of their personal military records. As part of the IMLS-funded project, the VFP created a training curriculum for veterans that is available as an online or in-person workshop. Additionally, the VFP created a separate curriculum for cultural heritage workers to train them on the issues surrounding personal military records, best practices for working with military members, how to utilize the VFP veteran’s curriculum, and how to design and implement participatory recordkeeping projects with veterans. The proposed workshop will use the latter curriculum with an emphasis on the digitized and born-digital records created by veterans. The workshop will include a combination of presentation, small group discussion, and brainstorming. The workshop will only require basic presentation technology (projector and computer) and participants do not need any prior proficiency in the topic before attending.
The workshop is divided into four 40-minutes modules with a planned 20-minute break between modules 2 & 3. Each module will end with smaller group discussions or brainstorming activities.
Module 1: Introduction to Personal Military Records
Module 2: Working with active-duty military and veterans
Module 3. VFP Curriculum for Active-Duty Military and Veterans
Module 4. Creating and implementing outreach projects for veterans & adapting VFP curriculum for other groups. Note: This module will include a longer discussion & brainstorming period.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Discuss the key issues and challenges of keeping personal military records.
- Implement best practices for working with veterans.
- Deliver the VFP curriculum for active-duty military and veterans.
- Design and implement participatory recordkeeping projects with veterans.
1:45pm-5pm: Introduction to Text and Data Analysis Concepts (and Constellate)
Amy Kirchoff, ITHAKA
Did you know that you may not need to learn programming to do text analysis? And if you decide to go the more in depth route, it’s easy to learn to code to do text analysis? Constellate was built by ITHAKA to help you learn and then teach text analysis!
Full Proposal:
Did you know that depending on your research question, you may not need to learn much programming to do text analysis? And that if you decide to go the more in depth route, it’s easy enough to learn to code to do text analysis? Constellate was built by ITHAKA (the same people who brought you JSTOR and Portico) to help you learn and then teach text analysis!
In this session, you will learn about the five main questions that text analysis can help answer:
- What are these texts about?
- How are these texts connected?
- What emotions (or affects) are found within these texts?
- What names are used in these texts?
- Which of these texts are most similar?
We will consider these questions and applications for text analysis. We will also build some datasets pulled from the scholarly content in JSTOR and Portico and even primary sources from JSTOR and third parties such as the Library of Congress Chronicling America newspapers. Then we’ll explore our datasets in Constellate.
Constellate is a new service from the not-for-profit ITHAKA. It provides clear learning paths, the ability to easily build data sets using content from JSTOR and its partners, and a lab where you can practice using popular and widely available tools and techniques for text- and data-mining. Constellate may be used by researchers to build datasets at no cost and intends to reach sustainability through institutional participation in a pedagogy package. In this session, we will focus on general text analysis concepts and the no-cost aspects of Constellate.
Learning Objectives:
At the end of this session you’ll be able to answer these questions:
- Why would I count words?
- What is an n-gram?
- What is a Jupyter Notebook?
- Why should I (and how can I) teach text analysis to my campus?
- And build a dataset of scholarly content which interests you!
1:45pm-5pm: Using Project Management Approaches to Diminish Stress and Increase Success
Allyssa Guzman, University of Texas at Austin
Anu Paul, Yale University
Krystal Thomas, Florida State University
Members of the DLF Project Managers Group Steering Committee will introduce workshop participants to project management theories and how to apply theories in managing digital projects. Participants will be introduced to the Project Management Toolkit, resources to support their projects, and discuss how to implement project management at their institution.
Full Proposal:
Members of the DLF Project Managers Group Steering committee will teach workshop participants about various project management theories and how they apply to managing digital projects in a library environment. Facilitators will cover the basic stages of a project’s lifecycle and considerations for the beginning of a project, project management styles, applying documentation, and project communication. They will discuss how they employ multiple strategies separately or in combination to build a successful workflow, including adapting strategies for a hybrid work environment. Participants will examine how existing problems may exacerbate issues in remote or hybrid workplaces and how we need to put more thought into communicating effectively Facilitators will also discuss project charters and project plans, and how they’ve implemented these documents to guide project work.
Participants will be introduced to resources available in the Project Managers Toolkit. Workshop leaders will demonstrate how they utilize some of the tools featured in the Toolkit, workflows built around the tools, and elaborate on why they chose the tools they did, and challenges they experienced in implementing the tools. As discussions on the DLF-PMGroup listserv have documented, project managers encounter both technical and human challenges when implementing new tools and workflows.
The workshop will conclude with a discussion on how to implement project management at participants’ institutions, addressing work culture, hybrid work environment, resource allocation, communication, staff experience, and other constraints.
Participants in this workshop will need to use a computer with internet access and the ability to access a public Google Drive folder.
Learning Objectives:
Participants in this session will be able to expect to learn how to plan a project from initiation to conclusion, document a project across its lifecycle, communicate with project stakeholders, and experiment with tools to see what will work for their institution.